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Welcome! This help file is in place to help acclimate people entirely new to MOOs/MUDs to the world of Miriani or to offer a refresher for those who may be a bit rusty.

Moving Around
One of the most critical aspects of Miriani is movement. Without the ability to move, your playing experience will be very short indeed. So with that in mind, let's talk about moving!

When you type look in a room, you will notice the last line reads something like: You can go north and up.

To move, you simply type the name of the direction you wish to go. So to go north, type north. Or, if you prefer, you can shorten the names of the directions. North would shorten to n, south to s, east to e, west to w, northeast to ne, northwest to nw, southeast to se, and southwest to sw.

If you would like a map of the surrounding area, you can use the MAP command. For more information, please type HELP MAP after you finish reading this document.

Also, you may sometimes encounter exits that are only listed in the room description. An example of this might be times when you see things in a description such as: "You see a red door here." To go through such exits, you simply type GO followed by the name. In our example, typing GO DOOR would take you through the red door.

To talk to somebody in the same room as you, you simply type SAY followed by what you want to say. For example: say Hello!
The say command can also be shortened to either a quotation mark (") or an apostrophe (').

To talk directly to a person or object, use either a ` (usually located above the tab key) or -. Example: -albori Hello!

Please see HELP COMMUNICATOR for help on speaking using communicators.

Manipulating Objects
Object manipulation in Miriani is extremely simple.

To get an object, type GET followed by the object name. Example: GET APPLE

To drop an object, type DROP followed by the object name. Example: DROP APPLE

To put an object in a container, type PUT <object name> IN <container name>. Example: PUT APPLE IN BACKPACK

To get an object from a container, type GET <object name> FROM <container name>. Example: GET APPLE FROM BACKPACK.

Sometimes, there may be more than one object with the same name in the room with you. By appending other/third/fourth/fifth to the object name, you can specify which object in the room you wish to manipulate. For instance, if you see: A red apple, a blue apple, and a green apple and you wanted to get the blue apple, you would get: GET OTHER APPLE. If you wanted the green apple, you would take GET THIRD APPLE. Of course, in this example, you could also type GET GREEN APPLE.

For more help on object matching, please see HELP MATCHING.

Roundtime is a term used to indicate when your character is performing an action that requires the majority of his or her attention. When you have roundtime, you are only able to execute an extremely limited number of commands, such as SAY, @WHO, INVENTORY, HEALTH, and LOOK.

Stuntime is used to indicate that your character has been incapacitated, usually due to a stun weapon. When stunned, you are unable to speak or do anything aside from looking, @who, and health.

For more information on stunning and combat, see HELP STUNNING.

Visually Impaired
If you are visually impaired, you may find that typing SIGHT is beneficial. It removes some of the visual aspects of the game and makes things friendly for screenreaders.

Who's Online?
To see what other players are connected, you can type @WHO (or simply WHO). @who has a number of options that you may be interested in. For a complete list, please type HELP @WHO.

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