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Vacation Mode

If you know you won't be able to connect for a while, you can set up vacation mode from the login screen or the GENERAL-OPTIONS menu. Be aware, however, that enabling this mode is not permanent. Connecting to the game after you enable the option will cause it to be disabled immediately. Vacation mode will also automatically be removed and leave you susceptible to purging after a certain period of time. This period of time ranges from 4 months to a full year, and is based on how many license points your current character has under their belt.

Players with less than 5,000 points are eligible to get 4 months of vacation time before purging. Players with above 5,000 points can get 6 months, and players beyond the 20,000 mark have a full year. Remember, though; connecting to your character will immediately deactivate vacation mode, and if you recently enabled vacation mode or ended a vacation, you can't set it up again for another two weeks.

If you happen to be in a situation that prevents you from accessing the game, you can send an email to explaining your case. We can activate it for you.

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