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Starship Power Systems

When you type SYSTEMS in the engineering room of a starship, you will be presented with the following options:

* Main Power - When disabled, your starship will have no power. Typing POWER in the control room will not work until main power is restored.

* Subwarp Drive - When disabled, the subwarp drive will not be utilized by NAVI or GATE and cannot be manually activated.

* Slip Drive - When disabled, the slip drive will not be utilized by NAVI or GATE and cannot be manually activated.

* Docking Bay Door - If your starship is equipped with a docking bay, no other starship can enter or exit your ship's docking bay when this is disabled. They can still dock to the docking ring of your ship.

* Holographic Avatar - If available, this will disable the usage of a holographic avatar.

* Salvage Line Launchers - When disabled, your ship will be unable to launch salvage lines, making salvaging impossible.

* Solar Panels - When disabled, the solar panels will not automatically deploy when the ship gets in range of a star.

* Laser Reflectors - The reflectors will not automatically reorient to reflect laser fire when disabled.

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