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Starship Destruction Bounty

The destruction of certain enemies is so worthwhile to the alliances that they place a bounty on each and every ship operated by that enemy. This help file will serve to demonstrate how the High Guard determines which pilot is credited for a kill and how the bounty is divided.

To the Victor Go the Spoils
Each time a weapon hits an enemy ship, the computer records a record of who fired that weapon. When the enemy ship is destroyed, the computer will then tally up exactly who hit the enemy ship and how many times they hit it. The list of people is then ordered from most hits to least hits. The person who hit the enemy ship the most times is considered by the computer to be the "killer", or person who gets credited for the final kill. The computer then figures a percentage for each pilot based on how many times they hit the ship and the total number of hits the ship has taken. It then takes the total bounty and the percentages and uses them to determine how many credits each person should receive based on their participation.

One potentially confusing aspect of this calculation is the destruction message. For instance, you may received a 'Target Destroyed.' message after you fire on an enemy ship. Logically, you would assume that you'd be the one to get credited for the kill, since you did the killing. That's only correct semantically. Mechanically, the person who hit the enemy the most times is considered the destroyer.

For the purposes of these examples, we'll have a Praelor starship with a bounty of 500,000 credits and a crew of three alliance pilots.

Scenario One:
Pilot A hits the ship 8 times.
Pilot B hits the ship 7 times.
Pilot C hits the ship 1 time.
Target Destroyed went to Pilot C.

In this scenario, Pilot A hit the ship the most times and thus is considered the one to have killed the ship.

Scenario Two:
Pilot A hits the ship 8 times.
Pilot B hits the ship 12 times.
Pilot C hits the ship 9 times.
Target Destroyed went to Pilot C again.

This time, Pilot B got the most hits on the ship and would be considered the one to have destroyed the ship.

Scenario Three:
Pilot A hits the ship 9 times.
Pilot B hits the ship 9 times.
Pilot C hits the ship 10 times.
Target Destroyed went to Pilot C yet again!

Pilot C is on fire. In this round, Pilot C is the clear victor because they hit the ship the most times. In this case they just happened to also get the target destroyed message.

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