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Private Garages

Private garages allow starship pilots to store their ships in a place that is their own. They retain full control over it at all times.

To obtain a private garage, you must either own a house, a space station, or be a donator and own an apartment on Empanda. If you're a house or station person, you can obtain a garage through your house builder. If you're a donator, you can build a garage the same way you built the other rooms in your apartment, through the MENU command. It's worth noting, however, that you cannot use your garage until your apartment is finalized.

MENU - In the garage, the menu will allow the owner to authorize people to land in the garage, unauthorize people, and expel ships from the garage to the landing pad.

RETRIEVE <ship name> ON KEYRING - Similar to the request command, this will pull your ship out of a private garage if somebody has been nefarious and tried to steal your ship and hide it in their garage.

GARAGE-OPTIONS - Allows you to set various options regarding private garages, including whether or not you wish to be prompted to land in a public garage when both are available.

Related Topics: Garages

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