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Matching Aliases

Sometimes, matching can be tough. It can be ambiguous. Your artifact container may be worn after your archaeology container and you want to type AR to match to your artifact container. Essentially, the MATCHING command will allow you to force a specific string to match to a specific object. Let's run through a brief demonstration so that you can get an idea for how this works. Text prefixed with a > will be a command. Everything else will be output.

>match ar
'ar' is matching to an archaeological artifact storage container in Mory Hines.

>match other ar
'other ar' is matching to an artifact storage container in Mory Hines.

>matching add
What object do you wish to match to? Please type as much of the name as possible to ensure proper matching.
[Type a line of input or `@abort' to abort the command.]
>artifact storage

Matching to: An artifact storage container
What do you wish to type to match this object when it's nearby? Note: Typing this will ALWAYS match to an archaeological artifact storage container!
[Type a line of input or `@abort' to abort the command.]

The string 'ar' will now always match to an artifact storage container when it's nearby.

>match ar
'ar' is matching to an artifact storage container in Mory Hines.

Command syntax:
MATCHING - Displays a list of available options.
MATCHING ADD - Adds a new matching alias.
MATCHING REMOVE (or del) - Removes a matching alias.
MATCHING LIST - Lists current matching aliases.

Now, there are a few warnings I must give you about this.

1. This will NOT work with ordinal references. In the example above, AR and OTHER AR will match to the SAME THING! You'll want to be very careful with this. If it were me, I'd make my matching aliases strings that were unlikely to match to anything else in the real world.

2. To prevent abuse, certain items cannot have matching aliases applied to them. Specifically, players, ships, drones, and droids.

3. It may or may not work with objects in containers.

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