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Locking and Unlocking Ships

When you purchase a starship, you'll be given a key that allows you to lock and unlock the hatch. In order to make life more convenient, you can place all of your keys on a keyring to keep them all in one place. A keyring allows you to automatically lock and unlock a ship when you ENTER it. To put a key on a keyring, simply PUT <key name> ON <keyring name>. However, to make matching easier, PUT KEY ON KEYRING will usually work with any key you may have in your hand.

For times when you want to do it manually, the following commands may be helpful:

LOCK <ship name> ON <keyring name> - Locks <ship>.
UNLOCK <ship name> ON <keyring name> - Unlocks <ship>
SLOCK [ship name] - If typed along, SLOCK will display a list of ships that you can lock. If you specify a ship name, it will lock that ship.
SUNLOCK [ship name] - If typed alone, SUNLOCK will display a list of ships that you can unlock. If you specify a ship name, it will unlock that ship.

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