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Syntax: @pagelength <number>

If the lines you see scroll off the top of your screen too quickly for you to
read and your client program is such that any lines scrolling off the top are
gone forever, you can use the @pagelength command to invoke page buffering to
limit the number of lines sent at a time. E.g., if your terminal has a 24 line
screen, you can do @pagelength 24 and output will stop every 24 lines if you
don't type any other commands.

You will need to use the @more command to continue reading output once it
has been stopped. Make sure you read `help @more' before setting @pagelength.

@pagelength 0 means no page buffering will be done by the MOO.

By default the MOO will assume you have an infinitely wide terminal screen, so
you may wish to set @linelength as well, and ensure wrapping is on with @wrap
on. (See help @linelength and help @wrap.) As with word wrapping, you are
best off running a client that can do its own page buffering; the MOO server's
page buffering is inherently slower and many MUD's do not have page buffering
at all.

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