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Syntax: @wrap <on|off>

@linelength <number>

If the lines you see get cut off at the edge of your screen (you don't have word-wrap), you can get the MOO to split lines for you. The @linelength command tells the MOO how many columns you have on your screen--you probably want @linelength 79--and "@wrap on" tells the MOO you want it to do word-wrap.

It's better if you can fix this problem without the MOO's help, though, because the MOO's solution will be slower than a local solution, and because not all MUDs are willing to do word-wrap.

If you don't want the MOO to split lines for you, there might still be some use for the @linelength command. Certain commands, like @who and @check, print truncated lines so they can print in neat columns. The default for these is generally about 79 columns, which looks fine if you have an eighty-column screen. If your screen is a different width, though, you can set @linelength and some of these commands will react accordingly.

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