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Droids are humanoid robots that follow you around to do your bidding. Most models exist solely to protect you, but in addition to that they also possess the ability to store items and, most important of all, tell you the time and date.

Commanding Droids:
To command a droid, you simply speak the droid's name followed by the command you wish to give. For example, to instruct your droid, Noodle, to follow you, you would type:

say Noodle, follow.

Or your favorite variation of the say command.

Standard Droid Functions:
Add [person] - Add a person to the droids friends list.
Remove [person/clothing] - Remove the person from the droids friends list or removes the clothing specified.
Friends - List the droids friends.
Authorize [person] - Allow  to command the droid.
Deauthorize [person] - Remove  from droid command list.
Owners - Lists who can control the droid.
Get [item] - Attempts to pick up an item.
Drop [item] - Drops [item]
Give [item] to [person] - Gives [item] to [person]
Contents - Lists the droids contents.
Holding - Tells what the droid is holding without telling what it has stored.
Store [item] - Stores [item] in droids storage compartment.
Unstore [item] - Retrieves [item] from storage.
Wear [item] - Dons [item].
Follow - Follows you around. Or stops following you around.
Remote - Enables remote mode.
Charge - Causes the droid to announce its currently charge level.
Time/Date - Informs you of the time and date.
Put [key] on [keychain] - Places a key on a keychain if your droid is wearing one.
Keys - Tells you what keys your droid has on its keyring.
Invalidate - Unlinks the droid from its remote in the event that it gets lost. Standard replacement remotes can then be LINKed to the droid.
Disc - Loads or unloads a video disc to record your droid's camera output. To properly record, the droid's camera must be active and it must have recording enabled. EM pulses will disable the recording functionality and it must be re-enabled after the droid recovers.

Standard Security Droid
   Standard Features
   Shoot [person] - Fires at [person]
Personable Security Droid
   Standard Features
   Shoot [person] - Fires at [person]
   [social] [person] - Performs [social]
   Personality - Deletes the droids personality, reverting it to a standard droid.
Standard Medical Droid
   Standard Features
   Heal [person] - Attempts to subtract roundtime.
   Diagnose [person] - Informs you of [person]'s stun time.
Personable Medical Droid
   Standard Features
   Heal [person] - Attempts to subtract roundtime.
   Diagnose [person] - Informs you of [person]'s stun time.
   [social] [person] - Performs [social]
   Personality - Deletes the droids personality, reverting it to a standard droid.

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