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NOTE: Archaeology, like relics, is not complete. This help file will progress as the code and site generation progresses, so think of this as something like a progress report. The more you see filled the closer it is to completion. Also note that things may change since the writing of this file. If they aren't fixed when archaeology is released, be sure to let us know.

Archaeology is the process of digging up potentially interesting things from beneath the surface of wild planets or moons. There are many archaeology sites scattered throughout the galaxy, some of which contain artifacts that may be more valuable than even the alien artifacts found floating in space. Part of the good archaeologist's life is discovering new and exciting sites and artifacts.

* Site Scanner
* Digging tools
* Archaeology Storage Container
* Dig site
* A decent understanding of coordinate-based movement.

Getting Started
The first thing you'll want to do is locate an archaeology site. Most beginners will want to visit sector 1 or sector 40 and begin there. Other sites are spread throughout known space while others can be found in uncharted space, oftentimes the last remnants of an alien race. Finding more advanced sites is beyond the scope of this help file.

Once you've entered an archaeology site, you'll want to begin scanning. To accomplish this, you merely type USE SCANNER (assuming scanner matches to your archaeology scanner. Type MATCH SCANNER to see if this is the case. If not, you may have to use a different name, such as USE SITE or USE OTHER SCANNER). The scanner will look around and, depending on the strength and how advanced it is, will report either a vague direction or tell you if you are getting closer to something potentially valuable. As a beginner, you will probably get a message such as "A site scanner indicates a good possibility that something valuable is nearby." From there you simply walk around using the scanner until it reports that you are standing above something valuable.

Now that you're standing above something, it's time to get out your shovel. An important thing to note here is that it's entirely possible to damage the artifact that you are attempting to dig up. If something is located 6 feet beneath the ground, it's probably safe to dig carelessly. This is accomplished by typing USE SHOVEL (assuming you're digging with a shovel). It's recommended to use your scanner periodically to check the depth of the artifact. Once you hit half a foot, it's probably not the safest idea to continue using a shovel. A lighter tool would be best until the object is just below the surface, at which time you'll want to switch to a brush. If all goes well, you'll have an intact object. If it's damaged, though, keep it. Researchers will still pay for damaged items.

Once you have a storage container full of artifacts, you'll want to visit your local research center. Once there, you simply type RESEARCH ARCHAEOLOGY CONTAINER to receive your reward.


Archaeology requires some degree of skill to perform. Those without the skill necessary will find themselves breaking items more often and misjudging distances while digging. The more you dig and the more artifacts you collect, the better you'll become and the less you'll break. This is why it's unwise to accept artifacts from friends just for the archaeology points.

Discovering Structures

Utilizing Intact Alien Technology

Help, I'm lost!
One of the things you should know before jumping into archaeology is that some of the dig sites may be quite large, and you may find yourself facing the fact that you're lost. Not to worry, there are a few ways out. The first and most obvious is to type MAP to see where you are. Maps in dynamic rooms are not always the best, though, so the preferred way to get unstuck is to take note of the coordinates of the entrance to the site and get back to them. Once you have the coordinates to the entrance, type COORDS to see your current coordinates. From there, you just walk around until your COORDS match those of the entrance. You should never have to assist because you're lost. In fact, the majority of archaeology sites will have an entrance at coordinates 1, 1 to make getting lost a thing of the past.

For a list of scanner points, type POINTS in the archaeology store. Please note that, unless otherwise specified, the points are in ARCHAEOLOGY POINTS, not regular license points.

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