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Changes on 12-15-11:

  • Paying back debt will now account for situations where you have 0.0013234 credits in debt and the game thinks that's an appreciable amount. The CASH command will also make this correction, if applicable, when it checks your debt.
  • Fixed a minor issue where you couldn't put spreads into refrigerators. Now you can!
  • A few SORT/AUTOSORT fixes/changes. You can no longer sort the room if you're sitting, you can no longer sort droids and NPCs, and anything a player is sitting on can't be sorted. And since I know somebody will try it, if a player sits on something after the menu appears, they will be unceremoniously dropped from what they're sitting on when you try to move it. (We hope.)
  • You can now SORT/AUTOSORT surfaces (tables, counters, Blackbeard's oddly flat head...)
  • Fixed a bug that would result in your ship getting stuck docking if the ship it was docking with gets destroyed in the middle of docking. docking docking docking
  • Fixed an exploit that would allow you to fully heal in a ship's medical facility even if the ship had insufficient power to allow such an occurrence.
  • Fixed an issue where medical followers would cut the healing time in half from what they should have been doing.
  • The social "bustamove" has been added. Please never use it.

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