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Changes on 12-13-11:

  • The HOLDING command now accepts arguments so you can be a creeper and look at other people's hands.
  • Deleted private organizations no longer claim to still exist with private information.
  • Various droid enhancement menus should no longer include poor drones who will never know the joys of droid enhancements.
  • Fixed a bug where droids were unable to use the newish matching system.
  • Fixed a few annoying matching issues with droids in general. Now they should ignore objects in their hands when you instruct them to unstore other objects, among other things. Let me know how much is broken now!
  • Attempts to CHECK a weapon in a storage room will now succeed as expected.
  • Fixed recharge notifications in the ARSENAL command.
  • Added a new SHIP-OPTION to suppress the z-axis multi-direction prompt.
  • Simulators now proceed with ship creation if you enter an invalid selection in the upgrade prompt. No more ghost ship... names...
  • Made numerous behind-the-scenes changes to how drones work. Player-side you will notice messages in the correct order as well as improvements to how cover is handled when multiple drones are firing at somebody and you're standing between them and said drones. There is also now a small chance that you will be nimble enough to dodge individual shots from groups of drones as you flail about in panic, although this is highly unlikely. And stuff.
  • Lukco Robotics, in an unparalleled burst of generosity, will now accept returns of merchandise that is less than one day old. For those times when you just didn't mean to purchase that fuzzy pink medical drone.
  • Various @who arguments should properly display the newbie tag now.
  • By oddly popular demand, you can now COUNT things in your pockets.
  • Comm-option 9 (show how long ago a transmission was, rather than the exact time) now applies to metafrequency communicators as well.

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