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Changes on 12-11-11:

  • Fixed an exploit that allowed a player to idle at the landing prompt, get moved out of the room, and still successfully land the starship.
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in courier ships launching escape pods from the ground when you traded them in.
  • You can no longer experience that awkward situation where you give people something you aren't actually holding in your hands.
  • Fixed a messaging bug where Person B would take cover behind an object, Person A would hold B, A would move, and then A would get notified that he/she emerged from cover when, IN FACT, B should have been the one who got notified. If you know what I mean.
  • Added an OCR command as a shortcut to the Lore OCR functionality. Everything else has a shortcut, so why not!
  • Contrib works with commas now. Rejoice!
  • You can SHARE with commas now too, yay!
  • Fixed a bug/possible exploit where the manual navigation command - would still work if you had roundtime. The downside is that it also won't work as sayto if you're in a control room with roundtime, but hey, that's what ` is for!

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