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Changes on 11-09-10:

  • Added a line to the SCAN of a planet to tell you how many atmospheric grids need dealt with. (Hopefully.)
  • Added the following to the ship's STATUS report: Vehicle bay capacity, comm channel relay broadcaster thing and bardenium transfer conduit.
  • Fixed a SLEW of atmospheric combat bugs. You should no longer enter "hidden" sectors. And when scanning the planet reveals no atmospheric anomalies, the vehicle should inform you that it has nowhere to launch to. Some of the fixes included little behind the scenes things like, you know, sectors actually recycling when they're done being used. Also NAVI in regular ships will function in the colony sectors. Oh, and fixed an issue that would cause a traceback when you scan a planet if there were no atmospheric anomalies.
  • Fixed a bug where leaving the advanced mission colony sector would remove the mission from your ship, causing the incidental loss of any reward EVER.
  • Lore computers being carried around by dead people are no longer connected to the translink network. (No tracking, sending files, etc.)
  • Added a LABELS <metafrequency communicator> command for displaying all of the currently assigned labels and their corresponding frequencies.

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