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Changes on 11-01-15:

  • Masked people are no longer eligible to change their names. (Also, you can now @abort during a rename! No more embarrassing people named @abort @abort)
  • Introducing the NEARBY command! Ever wondered exactly how many droids are spying in the adjacent room? Have you ever wanted to know how many ships lie dormant in your favorite garage? Or maybe you wanted to know who exactly is about to sneak up on you from another room. The NEARBy command does all of that and more! Typing it reveals the following data about the rooms around you: players (asleep and awake), drones, droids, and ships. Information on drones, droids, and ships is only in amounts, whereas info on players will give you exact names (unless there are many sleeping players, in which it will fall back to amounts). For flexibility, you can also provide arguments. Typing NEARBY <exit name> will only pinpoint the specific room through that exit, and typing NEARBY <people | starships | drones | droids> will offer information only pertaining to the specific type of object you're interested in. Finally, if you don't like how this information is delivered, you can type NEARBY-OPTIONS (shortened to nearby-o for the lazy) to configure it down to a tee. Good luck!

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