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Changes on 09-29-15:
Apartment doorbell settings can now be changed by ANY owner and not just the primary owner.
Communicator socials now work properly if your message is entirely numeric (e.g. tr bob 4000 *laughs*). Also fixed a bug where the aforementioned number fix would break 'lazy invocation' (e.g. tr bob 8laughs8).
As HOTLY REQUESTED, you can now COUNT WALL to count how many things are hanging on the wall.
Booze can no longer be opened with any old object (say, a Lore printout or a book) that has 'cork remover' in the name.
Simulators no longer duplicate damage when importing real ships.
You can now PRESS/PUSH <level number> in a lift to quickly commence movement to the corresponding floor number.
Added a COMM-OPTION to change the character used to indicate a word is a comm social. (e.g. change 8laughs8 to zlaughsz or whatever you're into)
Ever vigilant starship computers now announce when gigantic rocks (asteroids, my friends) fly into and out of the sector.
You can now prefix lines in the flexible editor with a back slash (\) character to make sure they don't get parsed. For example typing '\/help' would allow you to write '/help' in to the working text.
Fixed a bug where typing SHOOT WALL in a room by yourself would result in shooting yourself in the head instead.
Hardcoded morality now prevents you from shoving babies into diaper bags.
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