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Changes on 06-26-16:

  • Stalkers can now utilize the dazzling TR WHO ORG command to see who is tuned to your private organization channel at any given moment.
  • NPC bartenders will now periodically clean empty plates and glasses off of their bars.
  • You can no longer delete your character if you have rerolled previously within the last two weeks. If you have a solid reason for needing to circumvent this rule, please ASSIST.
  • Select spaceports (the ones that let you SHIP-EXPEL) will now assist you in docking one ship within another. Simply call them forth with the SHIP-DOCK command while inside the ship with the docking bay. This requires that you own the ship you're trying to take into your docking bay or that you know the authorization code of the ship in question. Ships that you do not own and have no authorization code set can't be transferred at all.
  • Added a PILOT-OPTION to allow you to disable the ability for anybody to SHIP-DOCK your ship into their docking bay regardless of what magic codes they happen to know. And also the owner (presumably you) won't be able to ship-dock it either.
  • Spaceport security will no longer BOOT moving starships. Not since the lawsuits.
  • Added brute force protection to the SHIP-DOCK command.

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