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Changes on 06-19-16:

  • Distance recorded on the starship ODOMETER is now 66.67% more accurate. Traversing on more than one axis at a time will now accurately calculate distance, rather than always assuming 0.5 lightyears between each sector.
  • Updated the text of POLICY 4. Previously, people were allowed to communicate with other players outside of the game as long as their characters could communicate inside of the game, regardless of being logged in or not. It is now illegal to communicate information to other players if they aren't logged in and active. Telling someone to unidle or connect to the game based on IC occurrences is a policy violation.
  • Lore albums now have the option to search photos by name.
  • Added the ability to reverse the sort order of photos in your Lore album.
  • Added an ALBUM command as a shortcut to jump directly to the Lore photo album.
  • The flexible editor is now enabled by default. No clue what this is? A help file has been added to explain things and offer a way out if you hate it, accessible via HELP EDITOR. You can alter options by typing EDIT-OPTIONS (or EDIT-O for the chronically lazy).
  • Cloaked jumpgates will no longer always appear as a rock fragment to debris scanners.

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