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Changes on 04-29-08:

  • Drones guarding in a ship room will now only fire on people who enter on their own free will. If they detect you dragging somebody into your ship, they assume the person being dragged is "with you" and they won't respond. The only time a guarding security drone will attack somebody entering your ship is if they do so without a key.
  • The STANCE command has been updated to give you four options. The first, elusive, gives you a bonus to dodging stun shots, but also a penalty to firing them. The second, aggressive, gives you a bonus to firing (chance to hit) but a penalty to dodging. Third, normal, gives no bonus and no penalty. And finally, precise, is what the old stance command did. It allows you to aim your gun to hit harder, but at the penalty of dodging and additional roundtime. To change your stance, type: STANCE [stance name]. Example: STANCE ELUSIVE.
  • To go with the stance command, it's now possible to both miss more often as well as the person to dodge the shot.
  • In order to balance the Holy Crap That's a Lot of Droids and Drones Syndrome, you're now only allowed to have one security droid or drone following you. In addition to this, only the droids and drones that are following you will take action against anybody who attacks you. This is very important: ONLY THE DROIDS FOLLOWING YOU WILL AUTOMATICALLY RESPOND TO THREATS.
  • Catapults have been removed from the game.
  • Certain larger ship classes have had their hulls weakened slightly in order to make it possible for ships to actually be destroyed and to give people a chance against them.
  • The general communication channel has been broken in half. Please read HELP COMMUNICATOR RULES to avoid being banned from the general channel.
  • Since only one security drone can follow at a time now, we introduce COLLAPSE and EXPAND. If you COLLAPSE a drone, you can carry it around and put it in your pocket for easy transport. EXPAND it to bring it back to life.
  • In order to make matching less confusing, you can now type: SHOOT PERSON'S SECURITY to pulse their security drone without having to type something like "shoot fourteenth red drone".
  • If you now find droids and drones useless, Lukco Robotics now allows you to return droids and drones for a full refund. This is only available to droids and drones purchased before 4/29/08.
  • Drones can no longer be expanded in ducts. Or space.
  • Recycled droid names can be used properly now.
  • SHOOT PERSON'S MEDICAL added to allow for shooting medical followers.
  • The defense command has been removed. You are allowed two medical followers now.

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