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Changes on 03-18-13:
You can now type REQUESTCHECK to see when you are next able to make a tradesman request.
Super-refined bardenium now 'weighs' 10 instead of the standard bardenium 15. (You can fit more in your weapon storage box.)
Fixed a bug where super-refined bardenium wasn't applying the bardenium weight modifier in rovers and storage towers. If your rover is over filled now, don't worry about it. You should still be able to transfer it.
Gas giant salvagers will now scoop up valuable gasses if you happen to be flung there by a sporadic gas explosion.
Lore computers are less apt to function for you with round/stun time now.
Most things should now only allow a single person to attempt to unbolt them at a time.
Food robots now work while on tables.
It's now possible to transfer cargo from a rover to a storage tower.
Likewise, transfers to and from an asteroid rover to and from bardenium refineries are now possible.
Modified the ESCAPE message slightly. Now you have a warning and advice on how to not be escaped if you accidentally hit that little button.
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