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Changes on 03-05-13:

  • Heartless security drones now allow you to BOOT babies that are hanging around your ship being babyish.
  • Fixed a bug that would require a MOVEFIX if you get stunned at just the right time during a station docking procedure.
  • Modified apartment purging so that if the primary owner is dead, ownership of the apartment will switch to the first person in the list of co-owners.
  • Various applications (host, ship, etc) should now be able to be placed in folders.
  • Added another decimal of precision to fund center displays so that it doesn't look like you have 1 credit when you actually have 0.999.
  • The 'In Memorium' store now allows you to match the names of dead players. It also confirms the name before engraving it, just in case you got the wrong person.
  • The BEACONS command is now aware of interdiction fields while landed.
  • Unstunned individuals in a group with stunned individuals no longer show as being dragged and instead walk of their own volition.
  • Paintings and notes signed by the more dead among us now properly show up as being signed.
  • Artifact containers containing only fuzzy corpses can now be researched by those with less than 300 points.
  • Candles are now significantly more aware of hostile environments and how they can't burn there.
  • Observation room transmissions now use the proper word (moon vs station) depending on where they are. Oh, and you can use the GEN command on a private moon now.
  • Stress balls now come in purple.
  • Fixed an inconsistency with furniture where you could sit a gazillion people on it but you couldn't PLACE a gazillion.
  • Oh also you can look at furniture and see who's occupying it now.
  • Droid remotes now die (with a message to the holder) when their linked droid gets deactivated. Conversely, they also inform you when the droid comes back to life.
  • The WEAPONS command now displays the optimal amount of damage your weapon room can do with its currently available arsenal.
  • Added some experimental rejiggerings to make it so that room descriptions group people according to what furniture they're sitting/lying on. Please REPORT any oddities! And if you hate it, throw up a board post!
  • Added a new ROOM-OPTION to disable grouping of people by furniture.
  • You no longer see yourself in the PEOPLE command.
  • Water balloons now drench people in water.
  • Ships destroyed by proximity weapons now have the option to take out a bounty on the ship that launched the proximity weapon.
  • Poor, innocent, slimy babies no longer follow you out of your airlock and into a harsh, cold, airless void.
  • NO MORE will waffle irons come out with waffles named retarded things like 'a square a square strawbery waffle waffle' or 'a straw strawberry banana cupcake waffle'. I REFUSE TO ALLOW THESE WAFFLE SHENANIGANS TO OCCUR. THEY WILL ALL NOW INCLUDE ONE FRUIT WORD AND ONE FRUIT WORD ONLY. Take that, waffle miscreants!
  • EVEN MORE IMPORTANT WAFFLE CHANGES: When you use the last of the waffle mix, it no longer pretends that it poured some into the iron, thus DASHING YOUR DREAMS when you discover the iron was never really battered.
  • Updated the help file for proximity weapons, blockades, and interdictors to reflect that launchers are no longer bolted and the new commands.
  • The SORT command now works on tables and toy boxes.
  • Droids that counterstun should not longer mysteriously stun people who are covering the person you intended to heal.

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