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Changes on 01-10-15:
EXCITING NEWS. You can now PLACE babies on to furniture and PULL them away from furniture. Standard GET checks apply to PULL. May not work if your baby is heavily customized, but probably will. Maybe. Guess you'll find out!
Babies now enjoy the same status as players, droids, drones, pets, and mounts when it comes to riding in the escape pod instead of the salvage container.
You can now CARGO PRINT to print your ship's cargo manifest. For whatever reason...
The BABIES-command now displays if a baby is sitting up, lying down, or buckled into furniture.
Added a message that is piped to the sector when a combat drone redocks to the main ship.
Combat drones now display 'Unmanned' rather than 'Filled' in the occupancy section of a scan.
Combat drones should return to the main ship more or less much faster now, rather than continuing to chase a target and then realizing once it arrives to head all the way back.
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