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Changes on 01-07-15:

  • By popular demand, sensor profilers can now memorize scan ordering configurations set with the SCAN-ORDER command.
  • Private comms are now subject to any profanity filters that you may have enabled.
  • Most (if not all) channel history will now censor any profanity if you have profanity filters enabled.
  • The BETA-channel now has spectacular timestamps and can be accessed using the HISTORY-command. It will not show up on the menu to prevent OOC distraction. Instead, use the channel name as an argument.
  • You now require at least one free hand before you can successfully USE a spacesuit or armor storage bag.
  • I forgot to document this, but D <item> can now be used as a shortened version of DROP, similar to the G <item> and T <item> aliases for picking items up. Let the laziness commence.
  • Stun batons can now be used on stun targets.
  • Contextual matching (MATCH-O 3) will now SIT you down into the first empty chair that matches your command rather than forcing you to play the match game.
  • Similarly, those with contextual matching enabled can now type SIT ANYWHERE to sit in a random available seat. And it'll probably work!
  • Added a new MATCH-OPTION that will cause a failed match if you specify a number greater than the amount of matching objects. e.g. If there are three apples in the room and you try to 'get', it will tell you you don't see that here.
  • Dot matching now accepts $ as an argument to return the last possible match. e.g. 'get $.apple' will get the last apple in the room without any of that pesky counting business.

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